40 Inventive Principles
 Transformation of the physical and chemical properties

a) Change an object's aggregate state (e.g. solid to liquid or liquid to gas - or vice versa).

b) Change the object's concentration or consistency.

c) Change the object's degree of flexibility.

d) Change the object's temperature.

e) Use intermediate states of objects (e.g. quasi-liquids).

  1. Gases are often stored and transported in liquid form, e.g. liquefied petroleum gas tanks, gas lighters etc.
  2. Surfaces can be blasted with frozen drops of water instead of sand. The small drops of water are sprayed into a very low-temperature airflow, where they freeze.
  3. For the mechanical processing of objects made out of flexible polymers (elastomers), they are frozen with liquid nitrogen, making them behave temporarily like a solid body.