Innovation Technology TRIZ
  Success potential of TRIZ and CAI

The advantages and the success potential by using TRIZ and Anticipatory Failure Identification (AFI) have technical and psychological aspects.


Technical Aspects

• Completely new approaches for solving problems in the most important company divisions: Research and Development, Quality Control, Marketing, optimising of products and processes etc.
• Faster and more effective problem solving and innovation processing by rigorously avoiding trial-and-error methods. Reduced risks and costs during the development stage.
• Forecasting the development of technical systems, creating protecting patent fences, revealing uncovered product niches.
• Enhanced quality control and optimised products through a focussed search for alternative solutions and the application of anticipatory failure identification.
• Generating of ideas in seemingly hopeless situations, where practically all conceivable solutions are covered by competitor’s patents.
• Optimal use of system resources: e.g. eliminating negative effects in a machine or process by only slightly modifying the technical system.
• Integration and supplementation possibilities with DFSS (Design for Six Sigma), DFMA (Design for Manufacture and Assembly), FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), QFD (Quality Function Deployment), Value Engineering, Taguchi (Robust Design) and other methods.

Psychological Aspects
• TRIZ increases the creativity and inventiveness of engineers and project teams.
• TRIZ eliminates ‘habitual blindness’.
• TRIZ encourages systematic thinking processes and the will to search for less trivial solutions.
• TRIZ improves teamwork; the invention process becomes a controllable procedure and is no longer an act of pure inspiration.

Author: Dr. Pavel Livotov