Innovation Technology TRIZ
  Database of technological effects

The connecting bridge to physics

Many perfect technical solutions are based on the combination of physical, chemical, geometrical and other effects. Many times though, engineers do not have a reliable link between the practical task and physics. This shortcoming is solved with the TRIZ database of effects.

For each desired action or operation, which is demanded by a physical contradiction, there is a list of corresponding effects and practical examples as illustrated in the table below. Almost every effect in the database has an input and output cell, naming the effect and the result that can be achieved by applying it, e.g. thermo-mechanical effect or mechanical-electrical effects. This allows the combination of different effects to solve complex tasks.


Fragment of the database of physical effects

Desired Effect

Physical Effects, Methods


Increasing temperature


Elektromagnetische Induktion, Wirbelströme, Skin-Effekt, dielektrische Erwärmung, thermoelektrische Erscheinungen, Strahlungsabsorption, exothermische Reaktionen usw.

Mixing of materials, forming of solutions

Ultrasound, cavitation, diffusion, electrolysis, electrophoresis, magnetic fields in combination with ferromagnetic substances, electric fields, geometrical effects, etc. 

Changing the dimensions of an object

Thermo-mechanical effects (thermal expansion, memory of metals), deformation, magneto-electrical striction, piezoelectric effect, phase change, chemical reactions etc.

Author:  Dr. Pavel Livotov