Geometric effects
  1. Generation of motion forms with cycloids, epi- and hypocycloids
  2. Cycloid gearing
  3. Excitation of oscillations
  4. Linear guideways with a cycloid cross section
  5. Torque transmission in a coupling with a shaft of cycloidal cross-section
  6. Application in rotary pumps, combustion engines
  7. Crushing and grinding of substances

Application patterns of geometrical effects and forms:

  1. Transition: EFFECT -> BI-EFFECT, e.g. helix -> double helix
  2. Combination of two distinct effects or forms: EFFECT 1 + EFFECT 2
  3. Combination of EFFECT with MOTION FORM
  4. Combination of geometrical FORM with a FILLING SUBSTANCE
  5. Combination of geometrical Effects or form (with or w/o filler) with physical or chemical effect