12 General Principles
Partial action - Excessive action

To obtain a maximum or optimal effect, use surplus or excessive action. Protect sensitive areas from undesired excessive actions.

To obtain a maximum or optimal effect, focus on essential tasks. Intensify your activity in areas that give optimal results.

  1. It is often difficult to obtain exactly 100% of a required effect. Sometimes it is easier to obtain a little more or a little less. This may considerably simplify a problem.
  2. Related technical TRIZ Principles: 16. Partial or Excessive Action.
  1. An "excessive", full-scale advertising campaign to capture new market segments: mailing shots, newspapers, magazines, TV, billboards, Internet banners, etc.
  2. Excessive communication: more, more often, more information than required.
  3. Insufficient communication: only 95% of the information is made available to all. The decisive 5% of information is retained.
  4. "If it works - improve it anyway" - Japanese product management philosophy.
  5. "Never touch a running system" (If it works, make no changes) - an American saying.